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Management Studies N4 - N6
Business Management N4 - N6
Business Management - N4
Entrepreneur and Business Management N4
Financial Accounting N4
Management Communication N4
Computer Practice N4
Business Management - N5
Entrepreneur and Business Management N5
Financial Accounting N5
Sales Management N5
Computer Practice N5
Business Management - N6
Entrepreneur and Business Management N6
Financial Accounting N6
Sales Management N6
Computer Practice N6
Financial Management N4 - N6
Financial Management - N4
Entrepreneurship and Business Management (EBM)
Financial Accounting
Management Communication Computerized Financial Systems
Financial Management-N5
Entrepreneurship and Business Management (EBM)
Financial Accounting
Cost and Management Accounting,
Computerized Financial Systems
Financial Management - N6
Income Tax
Financial Accounting
Cost and Management
Computerized Financial Systems
Tourism N4 - N6
Tourism (6 Months) - N4
Travel Services
Tourism Communication
Tourist Destinations
Travel Office Procedures
Computer Practice N4 (additional Subject)
Tourism (6 Months) - N5
Travel Services
Tourism Communication
Tourist Destinations
Travel Office Procedures
Tourism (6 Months) - N6
Travel Services
Tourism Communication
Tourist Destinations
Travel Office Procedures
Possible career opportunities:
Travel Agent
Tourist Guide
Guest House manager
Hotel manager
Hospitality and Catering N4 - N6
Hospitality (6 Months) - N4
Applied Management N4
Nutrition and Menu Planning N4
Catering (Theory and Practical) N4
Sanitation and Safety N4
Computer Practice
Hospitality (6 Months) - N5
Applied Management N4
Applied Management N5
Catering (Theory and Practical) N5
Food and Beverage Services N5
Entrepreneurship and Business Management N4
Hospitality (6 Months) - N6
Applied Management N4
Applied Management N6
Catering (Theory and Practical) N6
Caterer / Client Relations N5
N6 Certificate plus 18 months relevant working experience
Human Resource Management N4 - N6
Human Resource Management - N4
Personnel Management
Management Communication Computer Practice
Human Resource Management - N5
Personnel Management
Labour Relations
Personnel Training
Computer Practice
Human Resource Management - N6
Personnel Management
Labour Relations
Personnel Training
Computer Practice
Marketing Management N4 - N6
Marketing Management N4
Computer Practice
Marketing Management
Management Communication
Marketing Management N6
Computer Practice
Marketing Management
Sales Management
Marketing Management N6
Marketing Research
Sales Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Communication
Management Assistant N4 - N6
Management Assistant N4
Office Practice
Computer Practice
Information Processing
Management Assistant N5
Office Practice
Computer Practice
Information Processing
Management Assistant N6
Office Practice
Computer Practice
Information Processing
Public Relations N4 - N6
Public Relations N4
Information Processing N4
Entrepreneurship N4
Communication N4
Computer Practice N4
Public Relations N5
Information Processing N5
Entrepreneurship N5
Communication N5
Computer Practice N5
Public Relations N6
Information Processing N6
Entrepreneurship N6
Communication N6
Computer Practice N6
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to study at Academy
Courses and Programmes
Engineering Studies N1- N6
Management Studies N4- N6
National Certificate Vocation (NCV)
Bookkeepers Courses
Matric Rewrite/Coaching
Incident Management Programme
Road Traffic Law Enforcement
Tactical Road Traffic Operations
Accredited Skills Programmes
Short Courses